HKD-1 Survey - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Cirebon Regency

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HKD-1 Survey

HKD-1 Survey

May 3, 2024 | BPS Activities

Did you know that every month, BPS officers routinely visit traditional markets in the Cirebon Regency area? Want to go shopping?? No...Not Gaess...hehe
BPS officers visit traditional markets every month, not to shop, guys... but to record the prices of goods being bought and sold at traditional markets in certain areas. All goods, both food and non-food, are recorded and monitored by BPS. In 10 cities in West Java, recording the prices of goods routinely every month produces regional inflation figures.
So, specifically for the prices of food and drink ingredients, there is a survey to record the prices of food/drink ingredients in traditional markets. Its name is Survey HKD-1. The HKD-1 survey was carried out specifically to record price movements of food ingredients in the region. Every rupiah of price change is recorded in detail by BPS officers. The information was obtained by interviewing market traders who sell food/drink ingredients, including vegetable, chicken, fish, meat, oil, spices, rice, flour and so on.
In relation to these market prices, every year BPS RI publishes the publication "Statistics on Rural Consumer Prices for Food Groups". So, for Data Members who want to know the prices of food ingredients in a certain period of time, you can directly access the BPS RI website publication.
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