April 1, 2024 | Other Activities
Today, Monday, April 1 2024, is the final series of stages of Sectoral Statistics Development (PSS) activities by the BPS Cirebon Regency PSS Development Team. As is known, this year's PSS activities were carried out in a marathon through 5 face-to-face coaching activities.
PSS materials that were presented to SKPD/Department/Agency representatives at the last meeting were about One Indonesian Data, Data Quality, Statistical Business Processes and Institutions.
Today, in the 5th meeting which took place in the DISDUKCAPIL District Hall. Cirebon, presented material on the National Statistical System (SSN). In the SSN material, an explanation of the National Statistical System (SSN) is provided, including the meaning, types of statistics and statistical activities; as well as an explanation of the implementation of statistical activities, both for basic statistical activities, sectoral statistics and special statistics. The resource persons tasked with delivering the SSN material were Cirebon Regency BPS Young Expert Statistics, Asri Ardiayuningtyas and Harri Ramdhani.
The activity was opened by the Head of the BPS Cirebon Regency IPDS Team, Adam Akhmad, accompanied by the Head of the Cirebon Regency BPS Production Team, Joko Mulyanto. Meanwhile, the Cirebon Regency BPS Intermediate Expert Statistician, Yanti Heryanti, was asked to provide an evaluation, resume and close the series of PSS activities in 2024.
Hopefully this PSS activity can increase the literacy of OPD/SKPD officials as data producers, in carrying out sectoral statistics in Cirebon Regency.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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