Call Monday Morning, December 4 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Cirebon Regency

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Call Monday Morning, December 4 2023

Call Monday Morning, December 4 2023

December 4, 2023 | Other Activities

Today, Monday 4 December 2023, Cirebon Regency BPS employees took part in the Morning Call which is routinely held every Monday morning. At this morning's roll call, the Cirebon Regency BPS Production Team served as roll call officer. Cirebon Regency BPS Young Expert Statistics from the Production Team, Asri Ardiayuningtyas acts as Apple Supervisor.
In his message, he read out the message from the Director of Statistical Analysis and Development of BPS RI, Muchammad Romzi. Several important points mandated by the Director of APS BPS RI are as follows:
1. We have entered the era of a new data ecosystem, an era where various data sources are emerging, data collection techniques, processing and analysis models have also utilized modern technology, including the use of Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning and the like, and there is also a lot of evidence showing its effectiveness from the use of non-official data (BIG DATA) in human life.
2. In accordance with the instructions of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, we must be present as leaders/data orchestrators in this new data ecosystem era.
3. There are increasingly serious demands here, namely, how data from various sources (BIG DATA) can be processed and presented for quality policy making, both in terms of relevance, speed, detail and ease of access and usefulness.
4. In responding to these challenges, of course we have to start from within to improve statistical management quality capabilities, build a collaborative and outcome-driven culture. We must be able to prove that the data has value. The value of the data exists if the data is used in the retrieval policy. The impact of the policy will be felt more optimally by the beneficiaries if the quality of the data and also the process chain, statistical process chain from upstream to downstream can be guaranteed or maintained.
5. One capability that must be built at BPS is a mechanism for guaranteeing the quality of data and statistical processes at every stage (end-to-end) with the implementation of Quality Gates. Guaranteeing data quality with Quality Gates must be encouraged so that its implementation is systematic, systemic and massive in all surveys, censuses or other statistical activities carried out at BPS. Quality Gates are a form of risk mitigation in statistical business processes that affect data quality. A key process that guarantees that in the logical process of planning, collecting, processing, analyzing and disseminating there should be no errors (mistakes, defects, and the like).
6. Another capability that BPS must develop is to overcome downstream problems, namely increasing efforts to utilize data through exploring data that we have collected over many years. So, in the end we will all be able to feel the value of this statistical data more fully, because the impact of the policies taken is based on quality data.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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