December 11, 2023 | Other Activities
Monday, December 11 2023, Cirebon Regency BPS employees took part in the Monday Morning Call. The implementation of the Morning Call is a means of increasing discipline, loyalty and dedication as ASN who are responsible for serving the community.
This morning, the person who had the opportunity to become a roll call officer was the Cirebon Regency BPS Distribution Statistics Team. Young Expert Statistics, Sujono, was appointed as the supervisor of the apple.
On the occasion of this rally, the Apple Trustees read the message of the roll call from the Inspector of Region III, Jamason Sinaga, which was delivered at the morning roll call at BPS RI today.
The important points conveyed in this morning's address are as follows:
The construction of the Integrity Zone (ZI) reflects BPS's commitment to building a public service system that is sustainable
clean, transparent and free from corruption as part of
bureaucratic reform at BPS. The importance of ZI Development according to
Regulations of the Minister of PAN and RB include:
1. Increasing Organizational Integrity: ZI development aims
improve organizational integrity, so that government agencies
reliable and trusted by the public;
2. Compliance with Regulations: ZI development is a manifestation
compliance with the regulations set out in the regulations
laws, shows responsibility and obedience
towards the norms of good governance;
3. Improve Service Quality: ZI helps improve
quality of public services by prioritizing aspects
transparency, accountability and efficiency in every activity
4. Encouraging an Anti-Corruption Culture: Inherently developing ZI
related to efforts to encourage an anti-corruption culture in the environment
government, thereby helping to create a free environment
from corruption;
5. Improvement of Public Image and Trust: With
building ZI, government agencies can improve their image and
public trust in the institution, because
Demonstrate commitment to work professionally and
6. Organizational Performance Assessment: ZI becomes an indicator or miniature
from Bureaucratic Reform (RB) which covers various aspects
organizational achievements, such as WTP (Unqualified),
SAKIP (Government Agency Performance Accountability System), SPIP
(Public Information Service Standards), and prevention efforts
Meanwhile, the Ministry for Empowerment of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpan-RB) noted things that need to be considered in developing Integrity Zones towards Corruption Free Areas (WBK), including:
1. Developing an effective pattern of ZI internalization for all
organizational members and monitoring their development;
2. Improvement of the performance accountability system (SAKIP) starting from
measures and targets as well as utilization of monitoring and evaluation results;
3. Encourage the implementation of internal supervision policies, namely
internal control, Whistle Blowing System, collision
interests and Internal Control System (SPI)
4. Development of risk management (MR) and ensuring
monitoring and evaluation that can minimize the occurrence
risk of failure to achieve performance and deviation
integrity; And
5. Improving the quality of implementation of SPBE (Government System
Electronic Based) so it is more integrated
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
BADAN PUSAT STATISTIK KABUPATEN CIREBON Jl. Sunan Kalijaga No.4 Sumber-Cirebon 45611; Telp: +62 231 321445; Fax: +62 231 321445