May 31, 2024 | Other Activities
Currently, the habit of smoking has become very entrenched in Indonesian society, even in all circles and at all levels of society. The smoking habit seems to be "ingrained in the flesh". It is difficult to get rid of the smoking habit. Even though the government has issued strong appeals and warnings about the dangers of smoking, people still smoke. The March 2023 Susenas survey data regarding the number of people aged 15 years and over who smoke in Cirebon Regency is quite surprising, namely 31.07 percent. Even though it is down from last year's 32.52 percent, this percentage figure is still quite worrying. It could be said that almost a third of the population 15 years and over in Cirebon Regency are smokers. Regarding the number of cigarettes consumed, in 2023, the people of Cirebon Regency will consume 68.93 cigarettes a week. The good news is, this figure has decreased from last year. Last year, the people of Cirebon Regency consumed an average of 73.55 cigarettes a week. Hopefully the number of smokers and the number of cigarettes consumed in Cirebon Regency will decrease in the future with increasing public awareness of the dangers of smoking and good health promotion from the government.
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