March 5, 2024 | Other Activities
The Cirebon Regency BPS Sectoral Statistics Development Team, led by the Cirebon Regency BPS Intermediate Expert Statistics, Yanti Heryanti and the Head of the Cirebon Regency BPS IPDS Team, Adam Akhmad, again carried out Sectoral Statistics Development. This Sector Statistics Development (PSS) activity was held in a marathon manner until the end of March. In the PSS agenda at BPS Cirebon Regency, five meetings are scheduled to be held according to the amount of coaching material presented.
Today, Tuesday, March 5 2024, is the third PSS activity and is being held in the Ir Meeting Room. Soekarno DISPERDAGIN Cirebon Regency, Jl. Sunan Kalijaga No. 10 Sources.
The material presented in this training was about GSBPM (General Statistical Business Process Model). GSBPM is a business process carried out by data producers to obtain quality data. GSBPM refers to standard provisions from the UN that must be implemented by countries in the world.
GSBPM concerns 8 aspects of business processes, namely:
1. Specify Needs (identify data needs and data availability).
2. Design (Determining the definition concept, designing data collection methods, determining instruments, designing samples, editing, validation, and dissemination/presentation plans)
3. Build (Preparing data collection instruments, preparing data processing support, instrument testing, etc.)
4. collect (data collection)
5. Process (Coding data, data classification, validation, and finalization of data for the next process)
6. Analyze (data analysis, preparing draft output, until finalizing the output)
7. Disseminate (Release data collection results, create dissemination/publication products)
8. Evaluate (Evaluate all stages of the business process, prepare an action plan for data collection results, etc.)
Guidance material related to GSBPM was delivered by Functional Statistics, Yahya Ubaid and Sugeng Wahyudi. Followed by the delivery of material on Integrated Statistical Services (PST) by Functional Statistics, Harri Ramdhani and material on the 2024 Data Requirements Survey (SKD) by Functional Statistics, Wiharto.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
BADAN PUSAT STATISTIK KABUPATEN CIREBON Jl. Sunan Kalijaga No.4 Sumber-Cirebon 45611; Telp: +62 231 321445; Fax: +62 231 321445