February 4, 2024 | BPS Activities
I climb mountains...
I'll cross the ocean...
I will also tile the rice fields...
Lohh.. Why are the rice fields tiled??
Brother Data,
One of the strategic surveys owned by BPS is the Ubinan Survey.
This survey aims to measure agricultural productivity of food crops.
How to do??
So, every time there is a rice/palawija harvest, BPS officers will go to the field to measure the rice fields that are the Ubinan samples.
Using statistical calculation methods, rice fields that are sampled and have their grain weight measured using a scale will represent the productivity of agricultural land in the area.
The more plots/rice fields that are tiled, the more accurate the estimation of agricultural productivity in an area will be.
And what is certain is that BPS cannot choose and determine the plots of rice fields that will be tiled haphazardly, Brother Data. All samples of rice fields to be tiled were selected by random sampling using a computerized method. This is so that the results of the Ubinan Survey can be objective in accordance with the facts on the ground.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
BADAN PUSAT STATISTIK KABUPATEN CIREBON Jl. Sunan Kalijaga No.4 Sumber-Cirebon 45611; Telp: +62 231 321445; Fax: +62 231 321445
Mailbox: bps3209@bps.go.id