January 22, 2024 | Other Activities
BPS Cirebon Regency has started a series of sectoral statistical training for data producers within the Cirebon Regency Government.
As is known, in accordance with Presidential Decree no. 39 of 2019 concerning One Indonesian Data, the role of BPS in administering sectoral statistics is as a data supervisor. As a data developer, BPS is obliged to ensure that the data produced by data producers, in this case the agencies/agencies/OPD/SKPD, meets statistical rules and meets data standards so that it can be shared with other parties who need the data. .
For the initial stage of training, Monday, January 22 2023, BPS Cirebon Regency, in collaboration with DISKOMINFO Cirebon Regency as data guardian, invited 10 (ten) SKPD/Dinas/Agencies, namely DKPP, Dishub, Disdukcapil, Dinsos, DPPKBP3A, Dinkes, Diskominfo, BPBD, Disarpus, and Distan.
Sectoral statistical training activities by BPS were carried out by the Head of the Cirebon Regency BPS IPDS Team, Adam Akhmad along with the Cirebon Regency BPS First Computer Officer, Silvia Rahmi. This activity itself was carried out in the Meeting Room of the Diskominfo Office, Jalan Sunan Drajat no. 15 Sumber, Cirebon Regency.
Hopefully, the implementation of sectoral statistical training by BPS Cirebon Regency, in collaboration with DISKOIMFO Cirebon Regency as data guardian, will be useful for the development of statistical data in Cirebon Regency which will ultimately make policies right on target.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
BADAN PUSAT STATISTIK KABUPATEN CIREBON Jl. Sunan Kalijaga No.4 Sumber-Cirebon 45611; Telp: +62 231 321445; Fax: +62 231 321445
Mailbox: bps3209@bps.go.id