Training for Producer Price Survey data collectors - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Cirebon Regency

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Training for Producer Price Survey data collectors

Training for Producer Price Survey data collectors

January 12, 2024 | BPS Activities

Economic development continues to take place along with technological advances, making a shift in the economic structure begin to occur from what was previously dominated by the agricultural sector to the industrial and service sectors.
These changes in economic structure have resulted in relatively large changes in trade patterns and production of goods and services.
Dynamic market behavior makes it difficult for market players to predict changes in prices of goods and services. One of the monetary policies in Indonesia is to maintain the stability of the rupiah value for goods and services.
The formation of the price of a good or service first starts from the producer level. Price fluctuations are transmitted from producers to wholesalers to consumers at retail traders. This makes producer prices the price leaders of other price levels.
Since October 2013, BPS has released IHP at the national level. The IHP sector coverage released is: agricultural sector, mining and quarrying sector, processing industry sector.
Data users' demand for IHP data is increasing both in terms of regional coverage and activity coverage. Several data users have asked for IHP at the provincial level and increased sector coverage. Matter
This is a challenge for BPS in order to provide excellent service to stakeholders, namely by providing complete, accurate and up-to-date data.
BPS Cirebon Regency, through the Distribution Team, conducted a series of training for prospective Producer Price Survey data collectors. Friday-Saturday, 12-13 January 2024, all prospective Producer Price Survey data collectors took part in training activities held in a hybrid manner (online/offline).
For offline training, activities were carried out full day at Alamanis Resort Villa Village, Gronggong, Beber, with the Cirebon Regency BPS Young Statistics Instructor, Sujono, S. Si. Participants who took part in the offline training were 19 partners and 7 BPS organics.
The aim of this training activity is so that Producer Price Survey officers can collect producer price data properly and carefully, in order to obtain complete and continuous producer price data for calculating the Producer Price Index. IHP data itself is widely used by
government, entrepreneurs and society.
This training was opened by the Cirebon Regency BPS Intermediate Expert Statistician, Yanti Heryanti, accompanied by the Head of the Cirebon Regency BPS Distribution Team, Supriyanto. In her briefing, Yanti Heryanti explained the important role of the Producer Price Survey which produces PPI and is used by the government as an economic indicator (inflation indicator, balance of payments, economic growth and economic analysis)
At the end of the session, the best training participants were named Refka Anelka Yogatama and Tutut Alfiyah.
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