Data Collection Socio-Economic Registration Begins - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Cirebon Regency

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Data Collection Socio-Economic Registration Begins

Data Collection Socio-Economic Registration Begins

October 15, 2022 | BPS Activities

Social protection in Indonesia is one of the government's priorities in improving people's welfare. The government emphasizes the importance of a comprehensively integrated social protection data collection ecosystem created so that social protection is right on target. Therefore, the Socio-Economic Registration (Regsosek) initiative is carried out as a synergy and collaboration of multi-ministerial/institutional institutions in providing quality data. Regsosek is expected to provide One Data on Social Protection and Community Empowerment Programs.

Regsosek implementers are members of the Data Collection Task Force in coordination with the Indonesian One Data Operator. Ministries/institutions included in the task force are the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Villages PDTT, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, and the Central Statistics Agency (BPS).

The initial step in implementing Regsosek 2022 is the Pre-Regsosek Data Collection starting today, October 15, 2022 until November 14, 2022. BPS has the task of carrying out the data collection based on Presidential Instruction No. 4 of 2022 concerning the Acceleration of the Elimination of Extreme Poverty and the President's directive in a Limited Meeting on February 15 2022. The initial Regsosek data collection is a data collection of the entire population that includes all profiles and socio-economic conditions. The information collected in this data collection includes geographical socioeconomic conditions, housing conditions and clean water sanitation, asset ownership, vulnerability conditions for special population groups, geospatial information, welfare levels, and other socio-economic information. The scope of the Regsosek Preliminary Data Collection is all families in 514 districts/cities throughout Indonesia.

The results of Regsosek will present the welfare rank of each resident. The management of data from Regsosek is carried out with the principles of integrity and interopability, so that the results are expected to be widely used by policy makers. With the use of data by the central government, local governments, up to the village/kelurahan level, the results of Regsosek are expected to increase the effectiveness of government intervention programs. Regsosek activities are not limited to data collection, but are continuous data management. Regsosek data updating will be carried out periodically and independently through the Village/Kelurahan Digital Monograph.

The Regsosek activity, which is the government's priority, of course requires the support and commitment of all parties involved to make this activity a success, from data collection, utilization, to data updating. In the initial data collection, the active participation of all Indonesian people in accepting the arrival of Regsosek officers at home and answering questions correctly and honestly is also very much needed to produce accurate and quality data.

Let's take notes to build the country. The success of the 2022 Regsosek Initial Data Collection, 15 October-14 November 2022.

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