Collaboration Strengthens Sectoral Data in the MSME Sector - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Cirebon Regency

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Collaboration Strengthens Sectoral Data in the MSME Sector

Collaboration Strengthens Sectoral Data in the MSME Sector

July 20, 2022 | BPS Activities

On Wednesday, July 20, 2022, the Head of the Cirebon Regency BPS, Judiharto Trisnadi, S.ST,MM accompanied by the Coordinator of the Distribution Statistics Function of the Cirebon Regency BPS, Supriyanto, S.Si, received a visit from the Customs and Excise Supervision and Service Office of Cirebon Customs Type C . The group was led by the Head of Internal Compliance and Counseling Section, MEI HARI SUMARNO.

The purpose of the visit of the Cirebon Customs and Excise office team was to coordinate related to MSME data in Cirebon Regency. As a form of the active role of the Cirebon Customs and Excise Office in the framework of the National Economic Recovery Program, Customs and Excise is currently actively providing assistance to MSME players to be able to develop their business so that they can export.

As a form of obligation in accordance with the role of the Cirebon Regency BPS as a data builder, the Cirebon Regency BPS Head invited the Cirebon Regency Cooperatives and UMKM Service as the leading sectoral data sector in the MSME sector, to collaborate together in terms of providing MSME data. Department of Cooperatives and SMEs Kab. Cirebon was represented by Mrs. Yayah Komariyah, S.IP as the Sub-Coordinator of Entrepreneurship, along with the staff, attending the invitation of the Head of BPS Cirebon Regency.

Hopefully, with collaboration between institutions/agencies/OPD, the role of BPS Cirebon Regency as a sectoral data builder will be better and can advance statistical activities in Cirebon Regency.

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