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Training of Sakernas February 2020
January 19, 2020 | BPS Activities
The National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) is a survey conducted by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) specifically designed to collect data that can illustrate the general state of employment between enumeration periods. Until now, Sakernas has experienced various changes in implementation time, estimation level, scope and methodology. The labor theory approach used in the 1984 National Sakernas uses the Labor Force Standard Concept as outlined in the 1982 International Conference of Labor Statistics (ICLS13). In 2013, the International Labor Organization (ILO) held ICLS 19 which resulted in the development of several concepts of the definition of employment variables, as well as adjusting the concept of productive activities (which in ICLS 19 is called Work) with production limits that refer to the National Account System (SNA) 2008. Starting in 2016, the Sakernas questionnaire has adopted 2 standard labor concepts from ICLS 13 and ICLS 19 even though the ICLS concept has not been fully measured. In Sakernas 2017 improvements were made to the application of the ICLS 19 concept including refining the flow of questions and adding a number of questions in the questionnaire. In 2018 Sakernas, the questionnaire was improved to capture the phenomenon of online-based workers and labor-intensive programs originating from village funds. In 2019, Sakernas perfected the concept of employment status adopted from ICLS 20 and added questions to capture the phenomenon of the digital economy. In Sakernas 2020 there were additional questions about international migration, simplifying answers and changing the order of questions. Before the officers went to the field to collect data, the officers were given supplies in the form of training. Cirebon Regency BPS conducts Sakernas training in February 2020 on 19 to 21 January 2020 at the Verse Hotel in Cirebon Regency with regional instructor Ms. Anggi Alfrianti, SE. The training activity was opened by the Head of Cirebon Regency BPS, Ono Margiono, S.Sc., MM.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
BADAN PUSAT STATISTIK KABUPATEN CIREBON Jl. Sunan Kalijaga No.4 Sumber-Cirebon 45611; Telp: +62 231 321445; Fax: +62 231 321445