SERUTI Training Quarter IV - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Cirebon Regency

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SERUTI Training Quarter IV

SERUTI Training Quarter IV

November 5, 2024 | BPS Activities

On Tuesday, November 5, 2024, BPS Cirebon Regency through the Social Statistics Team held a SERUTI (Quarterly Household Survey) training activity for Quarter 4 of 2024. This activity was carried out in the Hall of the BPS Cirebon Regency Office, Jalan Sunan Kalijaga No. 4 Sumber Pemda Complex.

The activity was opened directly by the Head of BPS Cirebon Regency, @joediharto Trisnadi. In his direction, the Head of BPS Cirebon Regency emphasized the importance of data in every BPS Survey/Census. He explained that currently BPS data is used by various parties, especially the government in making policies. The strategic indicators produced by BPS are always awaited for their release.

For this reason, he hopes that all SERUTI officers in Quarter IV will carry out data collection properly, according to SOP and not commit violations/moral hazards. He said that a good survey will produce quality data, namely data that is photographed as it is based on facts or conditions in the field. It is hoped that the SERUTI Quarter IV Survey will produce data in accordance with the facts in the field so that the development of the economic conditions of SERUTI sample households can be known from time to time.

This training activity was attended by 20 officers, with 13 field data collectors and 7 supervisors/inspectors. Serving as instructors were BPS Cirebon Regency Expert Statisticians, Anggi Alfrianti and Setia Budhi.

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