July 16, 2024 | Other Activities
In preparation for the ST2023 Phase II publication, which God willing will be released next month, the Cirebon Regency BPS IPDS Team held a Preparation Briefing for the ST2023 Phase II Publication. This activity was carried out in the IPDS room of BPS Cirebon Regency on Tuesday, July 16 2024.
Head of BPS Cirebon Regency, @joediharto Trisnadi, had the opportunity to attend and provide guidance regarding the publication of ST2023 Phase II. He emphasized the importance of the inspection stage by the IPDS team before the ST2023 publication is released so that data errors do not occur in the ST2023 Phase II publication. Because according to him, after the release, the ST2023 Phase II publication data will be fully consumed by data users.
Hopefully the preparation and publication process for ST2023 Phase II in Cirebon Regency will run smoothly so that it can be released on time next month.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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