Supervision of Corn Tile Surveys - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Cirebon Regency

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Supervision of Corn Tile Surveys

Supervision of Corn Tile Surveys

February 15, 2024 | BPS Activities

As the admin reviewed in the previous post about one of the strategic surveys carried out by BPS, namely the Food Crop Tiles Survey, this time the admin will again review the Tiles Survey. But this time the tiles are not rice plant tiles but corn plant tiles. Lohh, corn is also tiled?
Yes, one of the food crop commodities carried out by the Ubinan Survey apart from rice is corn.
In principle, the sample selection technique and survey method for corn tiles is different from rice tiles. If Ubinan Padi uses the KSA (Area Sampling Framework) method in selecting its sample, then to draw a sample for the Ubinan Jagung Survey, it is necessary to start with population listing first. After the listing is complete, samples of tiles are then drawn to be surveyed for the results at harvest time. The estimated corn harvest period and its sometimes different realization often make it difficult for Ubinan Survey officers to carry out Corn Ubinan surveys. Officers must always contact corn farmers to ask and confirm when the harvest time is.
Another thing that differentiates the corn tile survey from rice is the number of sample plots that are tiled, the number of plant clumps that are tiled in one plot and the weight of the tile results which is different from the rice tiles.
On Thursday, February 15 2024, the BPS Cirebon Regency production team commanded by the Head of the Production Statistics Team, Joko Mulyanto and Young Expert Statistics, Asri Ardiayuningtyas supervised the Corn Tiles Survey in two locations, namely Talun District and Pasaleman District.
Corn Tiles Survey Officers, namely Atris and Nana, together with their team, visited samples of corn plantations that were ready to harvest, recorded the measurement weight of the corn weighing results and reported it to the BPS supervision team. Hopefully the data produced by the Corn Tiles Survey will be useful for measuring corn harvest productivity in the Cirebon Regency area.
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