December 28, 2023 | Other Activities
On Thursday, December 28 2023, the Head of BPS Cirebon Regency attended the invitation as one of the speakers at the Talk Show Completely Peeling Poverty held by the Regional Government of Cirebon Regency. This event was held in the Bappelitbangda District Meeting Room. Cirebon.
Guided by two hosts, the Talk Show event presented the Regent of Cirebon, Drs. Imron, M.Ag, Kadinsos Kab. Cirebon, Dra. Indra Fitriani, Head of Bappelitbangda, Dangi, S.Si, M.Sc, MT and Head of BPS Cirebon Regency, Judiharto Trisnadi.
On this occasion, the Head of BPS Cirebon Regency explained that to measure poverty, BPS uses the concept of the ability to meet basic needs (basic needs approach). With this approach, poverty is seen as an economic inability to meet basic food and non-food needs as measured in terms of expenditure.
So the Poor Population is the population whose average monthly per capita expenditure is below the poverty line. The Poverty Line (GK) is the sum of the Food Poverty Line (GKM) and the Non-Food Poverty Line (GKNM). Population whose average per capita expenditure per month is below the Poverty Line is categorized as poor. The Poverty Line (GK) for Cirebon Regency itself for 2023 is IDR. 451,853 per capita per person. So for 1 family with 4 family members, for example, to get out of the poverty line you have to have expenses of more than 1,807,412.
On this occasion, the Head of BPS Cirebon Regency also handed over the Publication of the Results of the 2023 Agricultural Census in Cirebon Regency to the Regent of Cirebon. The Head of the District BPS hopes that the ST2023 results data can be used to formulate regional government policies in the agricultural sector.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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