Visit of the Deputy for Social Statistics of BPS RI - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Cirebon Regency

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Visit of the Deputy for Social Statistics of BPS RI

Visit of the Deputy for Social Statistics of BPS RI

July 8, 2022 | BPS Activities

Friday, July 8, 2022, is a special day for all Cirebon Regency BPS employees because Cirebon Regency BPS has a very special guest. He is Dr. Ateng Hartono, SE, M.Si, Deputy for Social Statistics, BPS RI. His arrival was greeted directly by the Head of BPS Cirebon Regency, Judiharto Trisnadi, S.ST, MM, along with all employees of BPS Cirebon Regency.

During his visit this time, the Deputy for Social Statistics explained the progress of the 2020 Advanced Population Census activities nationally and gave the highest appreciation to all Cirebon Regency Census Officers who had fought hard in the field for 1 full month. In addition, he also provided an explanation of the agenda of major activities that will be faced by BPS this year and motivated all employees of BPS Cirebon Regency to give the best performance in providing statistical data which is now increasingly playing an important role in the nation's development program.
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